Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Man Made Marvel of the Twentieth Century Essay

A Man Made Marvel of the Twentieth Century - Essay Example Protocols most common in use are the internet protocol (IP) or the transmission control protocol(TCP).Modern day protocols can work in all wired and wireless networks. Earlier networking meant Ethernet cable connection using physical wires, which was seen everywhere in the school, offices and homes. However nowadays wireless technology has taken precedence and has become hugely popular. Wireless technologies operate by using infra red signals, or radio waves or microwaves for their transmission and connectivity. This is far more advantageous as it offers mobility without the cumbersome wires. Wireless LANS use spread spectrum and high frequency radio technology system for their wireless transmission within a limited area of use and this radio technology match up to the Wi-Fi standards of 802.11b. Another popular wireless network protocol is the ‘bluetooth’ used for data exchange within a distance of 100 metres. Other wireless web includes PDAs and cell phones that offer connection at all places and all times. In Terrestrial microwaves, another wireless network, transmission occurs through low gigahertz range and uses terrestrial or earth based devices for transmission and reception. Here antennas are required for network which are placed atop buildings and hills. Communicating satellites which are parked in space, transmit voice signals and other data by using microwave waves as these don’t get deviated by the earth’s atmospheric intervention. Wired technologies are varied and many are still in use and quite popular too.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Inclusive Education Essay Example for Free

Inclusive Education Essay In this assignment I will be critiquing a peer reviewed research article which explores an aspect of interprofessional practice. I will reflect on my practice and identify how the research discussed with in the article impacts and challenges my thinking and approach. By critiquing the journal – Early Years: An International Research Journal, I will show knowledge and understanding of other professional roles in early years under pinned by theory I have researched. My own understanding of inclusive practice in early years is that All children, irrespective of ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties or disabilities, gender or ability should have the opportunity to experience a challenging and enjoyable programme of learning and development. (Early Years Statutory Framework, 2014, 1.15) The journal focuses on 52 early years practitioners from England, their experience of interprofessional working, woven together and their level of confidence and competence also different settings such as children’s centres, preschool settings and private settings as well as community preschool as it has been the fore front of government policy in UK since the inquiry into Victoria Climbie I have focused on three prime aspects from the journal: training, communication with multiagencies and support which I think is key regarding my own reflection of my practice as well as the impact on my thinking approach. The writers of the journal are Jane Payler and Jan Georgeson (2009) but nowhere in the journal are their qualifications and backgrounds cited. It is unclear that the writers are professional s or have had any practical experience in early years. It does not tell you where the settings are located and which back ground the children and families are from. I believe if all this information was given it may have been clear to the readers why we believe that research done in the deprived area has a  huge impact on their achieving when it comes to budget training and skills. If it was a deprived area they might be struggling with the funds, resources and support. On page b385 it states that they sent the questionnaires out but I believe all the methods used had weaknesses as it does not say anywhere what language they were using and what sort of questions were asked. Throughout the journal the writers praise the efforts that are made from the children’s centre in terms of working with inter professionals. As a reader I felt they were biased towards the children centre as throughout their article they have mentioned several times about how well children centres are doing, in comparison to preschool and private nurseries. Even the tables indicate that the children’s centres are performing at the top and preschool and private settings are nowhere near their achievement and successes. On page 387 of the journal it states that during her research it clearly showed that the children’s centres showed a secure understanding of procedure as well as confidence in approaching other agencies. The first aspect explored was training needs. The Journal article states that â€Å"the survey done was completed by 52 early years practitioners who were either undergoing, or had recently completed training for early years professional status.† Due to the level of education, it is clear to me why most of them were confident when working with outer agencies and writing reports according to the NutBrown review of early education and childcare qualifications interim report (March 2012) â€Å"Getting qualifications right will help to ensure that women and men enter the profession with the skills and experiences they need to do the best work with young children and their families. Well taught courses and learning routes that lead to reliable qualifications can help early year’s practitioners to improve their skills, knowledge and understanding, constantly developing in their roles.â€Å" This has made me reflect on my own training in regards to what I need to attend in terms of inclusive education and its importance as it is clearly shows in the journal on pg381 that the staff members with high qualifications and training were more confident in approaching and writing IEPS (Individual Educational Plan). As I was reading the journal one thing which really drew my attention was that it talked about the staff training being inconsistent. In some places staff seemed confident and in some places they were not. My  self being an early year’s practitioner and working in a private sector I can relate to the problems as staff are expected to go on training in their own time. Working within the Borough of Hounslow I have experienced first-hand cuts that have definitely been made in regards to training. According to the Guardian published in 2011 heading â€Å"The government is putting training out of reach of those who need it most in early years’’. (Th e Guardian, 2011) It goes on further to state thatâ€Å" From August colleges and training providers, in the main, will receive only half the cost of courses’’. This results in training being harder to gain. In order to go onto training you now have to firstly go onto a waiting list. Not only has that had an impact on your practice but also a staff member’s confidence with dealing with any situation which that training may have addressed. Another issue is that we now, as a setting, have to pay for the training. If a setting is low on funds the training cannot take place and so the staff members, as well as, children, parents and the setting, miss out. Covering the staff on training and courses exacerbates the situation.† It is also shown on page 390 of the journal that due to the cuts the speech and language therapist who will come to the setting one day fortnightly was reduced to once a week which impacts on the children having to refer somewhere else and not having an inc lusive service. I have been affected by this last year as I was told that there was no money left in Hounslow borough to give out for inclusion support staff which resulted on my having to use the staff I had already to support the child’s need . Despite the above and reflecting on my own practice, I believe early years practitioners do the best when it comes to identifying a child with a need, as they are the primary carers after the parents. In my belief, other agencies might have the qualifications but we as practitioners are the ones who identify the problem and so refer them on. As stated in the new EYFS (2014 3.20) â€Å"providers must support staff to undertake appropriate training and professional development opportunities to ensure they offer equality, learning and development that continually improves.† The second aspect which came to my attention was the different level of support throughout the children’s centre, preschool and private nursery. It was astonishing to see that the children’s centres were given the most support and due to this it is not a surprise that they were the most confident in approaching the  outside agencies and writing reports. This is clear due to their inter links with the outside agencies. According to the article they state that in every child’s centre in London they have family support, speech and language therapists as well as health visitors who are designated to each children’s centre. Due to that reason, I believe that they have far more support including regular meetings, interactions and support; however, private nurseries and preschools do not get that support and rely on communication based on letters as well as emails and phone calls, which is not always reliable and as effective as meetings. From my own experience I have noticed that once you identify a concern with a child’s speech and language, the referral takes over six months to completely get a response from a speech and language therapist. In Hounslow alone there is a long waiting list of children waiting to be seen by a speech and language therapist. Due to this, it is no doubt in my mind that having an in-house speech and language therapist or to even have a type of training in order to help and support children with their need as now out of? â€Å"Children coming to school are in need of some sort of speech and language support’’. (I CAN Talk Series – Issue 6) This has challenged my thinking and approach I would definitely like in my setting, as a manager, ascend a staff member to see how the speech and therapist works so they can come back and continue with the therapist approach. It was described by one of the practitioners that sitting with a child whilst seen by the therapist helped her to support the child page 389. I would love to be able to do so in my setting. I can support children with some support while the child is waiting to be seen by the speech and language therapist. Once the child has been seen by the speech and language therapist I make sure I have the copy of the recommendations and advice made by the therapist, so I can use the same strategies used by the therapist. According to I CAN, an organisation that helps children to communicate, ‘‘In some parts of the UK, particularly in areas of poverty over half of children start school with speech, language and communication needs.’’ â€Å"That means 2 to 3 students in every classroom have significant communication difficulties.’’ (I CAN Talk Series – Issue 6) One of the other aspects which came to my attention was that throughout the article it is c lear to me that there has been effective communication within the children‘s centre as there have been professional  staff on site; therefore all communication is face to face especially with speech and language therapists. Whereas private and other settings do not have this capacity and funds so all the communication involving outside agencies is on paper. It is clearly shown in figure 1 page387 that the children’s centres were 100 % on target when it comes to face to face contact with outside agencies. Other settings like independent preschools where I am employed are only doing 75% of face to face contact when it comes to communication and although it’s only 75% contact it is effective within that percentage. I agree with this as my own private setting has to rely on emails, phone calls and paper. This is also clearly stated in the journal on page 387. On page 395 it tells you about the need of the effective inter professionals practice in early years and their belief that it will be possible once the two year old check for disadvantaged children is extended. Since the 2 year check has been introduced I have experienced more regular contact with the health visitor. I have experienced di fferent types of response when it comes to effective communication. As in the document one part needs to be done by the practitioner one by the parents and one need to be done by the health visitor regarding any concern with the child. Some health visitors will be very particular in writing about the child’s health and on other hand some health visitors will write little information concerning the child and leave it as ‘no concerns’. Conclusion: The article helped me to reflect on my practice and identify key issues that impact and challenge my thinking and approach. For me, inclusion is not simply the toleration of all pupils, but the active provision of opportunities for all to feel good about themselves and to have the chance to flourish, whatever their individual needs and potential barriers to learn might be. Whatever difficulties may arise in dealing with the outside agencies ,distance between the professionals and resources and funds available as a particular I believe we have a legal duty to make sure we do the best when it comes to equality and diversity (inclusive and inclusion). In my setting and practice I have made sure that I provide and implement a clear policy and procedure to promote equality and support to every child in need as up held by the legal frame work in EYFS 3.66. It was also clearly stated in the journal on page 389 that settings doing their best when it comes to competence in developing their knowledge and network for inter-professionals over a period  of time were based on their knowledge and greater experience of integrated provision. Effective working practice with outside agencies should occur whatever the contact is, face to face or remote. As a practitioner it is our responsibility to make sure the child is covered within the inclusion policy. The second part of my assignment will be focusing on communication and the importance of communication in settings between other agencies, staff and parents/guardians. The word â€Å"communication† comes from the Latin word â€Å"communis,† meaning â€Å"to share.† (Communication studies). I believe sharing is a very important element when working within your practice, with parents and outside agencies. Personally I believe communication â€Å"is the act of conveying information for the purpose of creating a shared understanding. And includes verbal, non-verbal and electronic means† (Communication studies) According to Pietroni (1992) â€Å"We should not underestimate the many factors that challenge working relationships between professionals. Most fundamental is communication.† â€Å"To achieve better integration of services and organisation, The Children’s Act 2004 required local authorities to enter into partnership arrangements with parents who, in turn, carried reciprocal duties to cooperate.† -Aubrey Carol. â€Å"As suggested by the Laming Report, the Common Assessment Framework(CAF) was introduced as a standardised approach to assessing children’s additional needs. CAF supports the identification of a child’s additional needs which are not currently being met at the earliest possible stage.† (How children learn, Pg. 59) As an early years professional it is very important that I use communication effectively regardless of the type of setting, the ability to communicate effectively is crucial for developing positive relationships with children, young people and their families, colleagues and other professionals. Not only does it pave the way for a happy working environment but it is also a core unit of study for most children and young people especially when working with inclusion. In my setting I am the manager and the SENCO. I believe we are at the stage of norming as described by Tuckman in his performing team development models. Consensus largely forms among the team, our team responds well to reinforcement by a leader. Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and important decisions are discussed and agreed upon by the entire team. Smaller decisions may be delegated to  individuals or small teams within a group not only to empower the members of staff but to ensure each staff member understands how to handle decision making and help them to gain experience. Our team also discusses and develops our processes and working styles and are always adapting and evolving in parallel to new research and studies. There is overall respect for team leaders and leadership is shared by the team. Leader facilitates and enables (similar to the Situational Leadership Participating mode). Working beside staff is very important to make sure we have an effective chain of communication which is strong and healthy. In support of this â€Å"Good communication practices need to be built into the policies and procedures of a setting† (Communication studies: what is communication) In our setting we make sure we work alongside parents as they are the â€Å"first educators† (Early Years Foundation Stage – EYFS, 2.2.) To help children achieve their full potential we make sure that practitioners investigate the experiences families and children receive when they attend our setting. Their feedback is essential to us as it helps us to further improve and meet the needs of parents more successfully. As part of gaining insight into the experiences of children and parents in our setting we send out surveys and questionnaires for parents to express their opinion through, this is especially effective if the parent does not feel comfortable expressing their opinion face to face with a member of staff. In addition to this our setting has an open door policy where every morning members of st aff are available to talk to; our staffs are multilingual and can communicate with a vast range of parents. We also have a text and email system in place for the parents who are working and don’t have time to complete surveys or get in touch with the staff. All these systems are in place to ensure effective communication. Coffee mornings are also in place and provide greater opportunities for parents to discuss their feelings in an informal atmosphere. Some settings invite parents to attend a short nursery rhyme performance and a chat about their experiences of the setting. We, at our setting take the ethos of â€Å"parents as partners†. Research tells us that the parents have the most influence over child development and so practitioners will serve children better by working in partnership with the parents. Practitioners also need to be mindful of the parents’ readiness to engage. There are many factors that should be considered when communicating or  attempting to communicate with parents such as communication barriers. Some of these barriers include time constrain ts regarding parents working hours, story time and language issues and if the parent may have special needs. Another communication barrier is if the engagement may be difficult due to family issues (such as a new baby, caring for a relative, domestic violence, health issues, and unusual working patterns.) It is only by understanding parents and valuing their input that practitioners will be able to acknowledge their readiness to engage with the setting. Strong and positive communication and relationships between staff, parents and children will help to develop an atmosphere of trust and comfort. Some children may receive additional support from agencies for their communication development. It is essential that practitioners work in partnership with these agencies to maximize the benefit for the child as it also states in EYFS â€Å"When parents and practitioners work together in early years settings, the results have a positive impact on children’s development and learning.† (EYFS, 2.2) Our setting works closely alongside outside agencies and take the multi-agency approach to make sure we provide the best care to the children. We also follow EYFS guide lines which states in i.16 â€Å"Close working between early year’s practitioners and parents is vital for the identification of children’s learning needs and to ensure a quick response to any area of particular difficulty. Parents and families are central to a child’s wellbeing and practitioners should support this important relationship by sharing information and offering support for extending learning in the home†. To make sure this is happening effectively we have implemented a key person system. Each child has a key person allocated before they start at the setting; it is established before the child starts the setting and on the basis of the initial meeting on induction day and the information gathered from paperwork. An example of this in practice is during introduction staff members meet all the parents and the children. If during the meeting we identify any information about the child’s specific needs such as speech/language/physical issues and the parents need e.g. parents first language is not English, the key person is chosen to suit the need of the child’s /parents so they have better communication and feel more comfortable and at ease. Parents can feel confident in communication with staff members and between their children and staff. The role of the key  person is too gather as much information as possible before the child starts the setting so that the settling in time can be arranged according to the child’s needs and interest. On the child’s first day the key person sets the activity of the child according to the child’s perceived interest and ability to ensure comfort and a sense of safety for the child. In addition to this the key person is responsible for noting and observing the activities of the child. After the initial meeting of the child and pare nts the SENCO of the setting (me) sit down and asses and evaluate any issues or concerns. An example of this is a child who attended my setting and during the induction day the mother had mentioned that the child is shy and an introvert. However upon observing the child during induction activities I learnt that the child may be more than just shy or anti-social. I came to this conclusion as I had noticed the child avoided eye contact and would only play with one toy, a toy car in which he would move it up and down in a continuous pose. The child also flapped their hands as a result of excitement. After the introduction I sat with my staff and talked about the day and mentioned the particular child. I then allocated myself as the child’s key person. I felt I had more rapport with the child and insight than any other member of staff. I then shared my thoughts and observations I had made during the day and offered some solutions and plans of action. During the first few weeks of the child attending the setting I conducted many observations and also got in touch with m y local SENCO and shared my concern over the phone. We then collectively arranged a day for her to come and observe the child. I double checked and ensured there was no further help I could provide and did all that was possible for the child e.g. the child enjoyed sticking doodles wherever he could and so I made a little post-box in each corner of the classroom and moved any hazards such as televisions as he loved sticking notes on the screens of television and computers. I also maintained daily contact with the mother and even asked her if it was possible to come earlier to pick him up as he became very upset when seeing other parents pick up their children. And made the mother aware of the assistance I was receiving from my local SENCO. I explained how it was vital to contact my area SENCO as they could provide advice which would further help me to support her child to the best of my ability. On the mothers agreement permission my area SENCO visited me and observed the child  she later introduced herself to the mother, she explained her role and what she could do for her child. We arranged a meeting to discuss the concern we have as a team and our plans to set up a IEP so that we are to help and support the child on confirming the date we made sure that all the people involved are available such as the mother, area SENCO and myself the setting SENCO. We explained everything to the mother for example what an IEP is and what we were trying to accomplish with it. My role was to arrange a support worker who would work alongside the child to support his needs. On our meeting day we all sat down together with all staff members who were going to support the child. Everyone shared their thoughts individually and expressed their opinions. In the end we set up IEP targets to help the child develop skills and improve, these targets were made in shared agreement. Each individual involved was given a copy of the IEP targets, this ensured that all staff members involved in relation to the child was aware of the child’s difficulties and aware of processes to help overcome them and that we all were all shared same vision to establish positive relation, both with each other and what’s best for the child. I personally believe â€Å"A trusting relationship between the practitioner and parents begins with the initial contact and it is crucial that from the start, parents appreciate that staff value their knowledge and understanding of their child.† (Working in partnership with parents, EYFS Principle) â€Å"a professional and honest approach by all staff will be the baseline in building the feeling of trust† as also reinforced in the government good practice guide as well as in Working Together to Safeguard Children, 2013 states â€Å"all professionals contribute to whatever actions are needed to safeguard and promote a childs welfare and take part in regularly reviewing the outcomes for the child against specific plans and outcomes;† according to the report published a HM inspector in 2007 talks about working together with professionals and has stated that it is important that we as a practitioner enable ‘’parents to play a stronger role as partners in their child’s learning and development.† The staff also share the IEP so all the other staff are also aware of what is our common goals as a team as I believe it is very important to work as an effective team and to have the common goals. For me teamwork is like an oil that makes the team work. It can enable smoother movement towards targets, can prolong forward momentum, and can help teams to overcome  obstacles. In my setting I make sure when I communicate to my staff, parents and professionals I perform as an adult as a model of Berne’s transactional analysis theory. As I believe if you talk like a child you will get a reaction like a child so it is very important that you make sure you come across as someone you want to be, as an adult or someone representing an accounting function or model. We need to be communicating like an adult. To make sure the staff is confident in doing the targets I arrange for the staff to go on training to be able to support the child as it is vital to me to make a â€Å"quality lea rning experience for children and this requires a quality workforce†¦ providers should regularly consider the training and development needs of all staff members to ensure that they offer a quality learning experience for children that continually improve† (Department of Education 2012). We also have professionals come to our setting to train the staff on the IEP targets such as bucket time. Intensive interaction and especial time in the setting â€Å"the staff trained that share their experience and knowledge with less experienced staff, in order to ensure that continuing professional development takes place†. (EYE VOLUME 14) The professionals who train the staff come to the setting to work with the key person to see if they are using the training effectively. I have regular contact with the professional through phone, email, and through paper. We have regular interaction with the outside agency and termly meetings in which the child’s progress and next steps to take are addressed. During the meetings the child’s transition is also discussed as it is very important to make sure the child moves to the next setting with all the support and the hard work achieved by us at our setting is implemented and continued. I sat with the mum and the area SENCO to explain to mum the options she has to choose from as in the end it’s what she wants for the child that is it is clearly stated in the SEN code of practice working in partnership with parents 2.2 â€Å"parents too have a vital role to play in supporting their child’s education.† They hold key information and have a critical role to play in their children’s education. It continues to state that parents have â€Å"knowledge and experience to contribute to the shared view of a child’s needs and the best ways of supporting them.† So I believe it is very important that professionals (schools, LEAs and other agencies) actively seek to work with parents and value the contribution they make. It  is my belief that â€Å"The work of professionals can be more effective when parents are involved and account is taken of their wishes, feelings and perspectives on their children’s development.â €  In the document it continues stating â€Å"When practitioners are friendly and have a genuine interest in the children, parents come to like and trust them, and mutual respect can flourish.† According to B Sandra who is the consultant and director of Early Years gives some recommendation on effective communication according to her recommendation we need to give full attention to the person who we were communication, we need to be aware of our body language, need to resist any ways to interrupt. We need to take account of individual need and be flexible in the way they communicate and be ready to ask for help when required, be honest about what we know and what we don’t know, one of the other recommendation is that we need to be sensitive to culture differences as in some cultures direct eye contact is class as been rude in other culture satin cultures certain gestures are classed as care is needed when communication. While communication with a person with English as a additional needs we need to use photos, and visual aid. Someone with hearing aid needs to be communicating visual aid as well as use of British sigh language to make sure effective communication is taking place. To conclude my assignment I believe that a happier, healthier and better-informed workforce leads to a better setting. And that engaging your workforce with the right kind of communication, delivered regularly and efficiently through appropriate channels and means can make a big difference to all involved, for example you, your staff, child, parents and outside agencies.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Compare how Shakespeare and Hardy present situations where their characters’ love and relationships are influenced by the need to uphold appearances within society, with particular reference to Othello and Tess of the d’Urbervilles This essay will explore the social interactions between characters, the effects of appearance on their relationships and how this drives them to make certain decisions. This includes how the claustrophobia of their society is portrayed and its effects through form, style and literary techniques. All four texts explore the conflict between public and private selves. In Othello , Shakespeare reveals the taboo surrounding an interracial sexual relationship between a black man and a white woman during the Sixteenth Century. In Hardy’s Nineteenth Century novel Tess of the d’Urbervilles , we see the clash between sexuality, laws and codes of the time. I will compare these texts to The Franklin’s Tale and Pride and Prejudice , looking at how the rigid codes of courtly love impact on male and female behaviour within relationships and how the social and cultural attitudes and values of Regency England influence young women in their marriage choices. In both primary texts, the parents of the main characters struggle with the practice of exogomein and endogomein. In Othello, Brabantio adopts a motherly role, guiding Desdemona towards an acceptable marriage. Yet the marriage she chooses is exogamous. Brabantio sees through Othello’s high rank, royal blood and Christianity, casting a shadow over the relationship between Othello and his daughter due to Othello’s skin colour, unacceptable within that Venetian society. Desdemona lives within a patriarchal society and is objectified and commodified. Brabantio strugg... ...entally to mete out her demise. Empathy is felt for her as she realises self-worth is the polar opposite to the superficiality of social standing. She finds peace of mind and is reunited with Angel, when Hardy tears her away with death, typical of tragedy. Othello’s military role and social worth do not majorly affect his relationship. Instead, Iago’s ruthless self-interest in enhancing his own appearance within society and disinterest in the welfare of others, kindles the doubt between Othello and Desdemona. The relationships that collapse are those of the characters whose judgments fail them as another controls them. From the study of these two texts and reference to Pride and Prejudice and The Franklin’s Tale, we can now see that it is more strength of self and mind, than efforts to uphold an appearance, which affects love and relationships within all the texts. Essay -- Compare how Shakespeare and Hardy present situations where their characters’ love and relationships are influenced by the need to uphold appearances within society, with particular reference to Othello and Tess of the d’Urbervilles This essay will explore the social interactions between characters, the effects of appearance on their relationships and how this drives them to make certain decisions. This includes how the claustrophobia of their society is portrayed and its effects through form, style and literary techniques. All four texts explore the conflict between public and private selves. In Othello , Shakespeare reveals the taboo surrounding an interracial sexual relationship between a black man and a white woman during the Sixteenth Century. In Hardy’s Nineteenth Century novel Tess of the d’Urbervilles , we see the clash between sexuality, laws and codes of the time. I will compare these texts to The Franklin’s Tale and Pride and Prejudice , looking at how the rigid codes of courtly love impact on male and female behaviour within relationships and how the social and cultural attitudes and values of Regency England influence young women in their marriage choices. In both primary texts, the parents of the main characters struggle with the practice of exogomein and endogomein. In Othello, Brabantio adopts a motherly role, guiding Desdemona towards an acceptable marriage. Yet the marriage she chooses is exogamous. Brabantio sees through Othello’s high rank, royal blood and Christianity, casting a shadow over the relationship between Othello and his daughter due to Othello’s skin colour, unacceptable within that Venetian society. Desdemona lives within a patriarchal society and is objectified and commodified. Brabantio strugg... ...entally to mete out her demise. Empathy is felt for her as she realises self-worth is the polar opposite to the superficiality of social standing. She finds peace of mind and is reunited with Angel, when Hardy tears her away with death, typical of tragedy. Othello’s military role and social worth do not majorly affect his relationship. Instead, Iago’s ruthless self-interest in enhancing his own appearance within society and disinterest in the welfare of others, kindles the doubt between Othello and Desdemona. The relationships that collapse are those of the characters whose judgments fail them as another controls them. From the study of these two texts and reference to Pride and Prejudice and The Franklin’s Tale, we can now see that it is more strength of self and mind, than efforts to uphold an appearance, which affects love and relationships within all the texts.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Desirability and effectiveness of corporal punishment in enforcing discipline

Corporal punishment is application of physical pain to children as a way of enforcing discipline through discouraging undesirable behavior. This kind of punishment includes beatings, burnings, spanking, slapping and scalding. Due to its severity in punishment, use of corporal punishment to discipline children is controversial. In schools, teachers go for corporal punishment. They believe that â€Å"spare the rod spoil the child† Discipline on the other hand involves strategies to reduce undesirable behaviors’ among children.Straus and Stewart (1999) found out that 94% of American parents spank their children between the ages 3 and 4 years and up to 5 years. The US Department of Health and Human Services (2001) showed that 13 in every 1000 children were abused. According to her, spanking may lead to abuse. Research carried out found out that: corporal punishment leads to immediate compliance, increased aggression. Studies showed that using corporal punishment to reduce a ggression increased the risk of aggressive behaviors’ by 50%.Corporal punishment may also result to antisocial behavior. This affected boys mostly and children of ages ranging between10and12. Increased corporal punishment led to increased risk of criminal behavior in adulthood. Corporal punishment results to decreased mental health. This affects children between ages 5 and 8 who are more prone to severe corporal punishment. Physical punishment has negative effects which may affect child wellbeing or his/her health thus they are unacceptable and therefore should not be used.Despite this, spanking which is a form of corporal punishment has been used by most American families (about 90%). Corporal punishment may also result to adult abusive behaviors. Most results showed that spanking increased undesirable behaviors and decreased desirable ones. As severity of corporal punishment raises so are the negative results. Many children who are spanked within normal limits do not grow u p with negative results . However, a number are physically disciplined beyond normal limits thereby are at increased risk of possessing negative outcomes

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Prosthetic Limb Research Paper Essay

Prosthetic limbs all started with a very simple problem. Do you just give up hope when you lose an arm or a leg, or is there some other way to make the best of a situation? Hope was not given up by us persistent human beings and that is how artificial limbs were thought of. Instead trying to get around, we thought of artificial legs to help those who have lost them. Instead of only having one arm, we thought of artificial arms to be able to have two again. Prosthesis not only brought hope to those who were seriously injured and lost their limbs, but it helped these people bring their lives back to as normal as it could be. Of course prosthesis did not start off as being perfect and high tech, but they slowly progressed throughout thousands of years to the technology we have today, as well as the ideas we have for the future. Artificial limbs date back all the way to the times of the ancient Egyptians. These were very basic prosthetics and were made from the materials they had readily available such as wood, iron or leather. Alan J. Thurston discusses the early Egyptian prosthetic, â€Å"One of the earliest examples comes from the 18th dynasty of ancient Egypt in the reign of Amenhotep II in the fifteenth century BC when members of an Egyptian–German mission working in the Sheikh Abdel-Gurna area of the Theban necropolis were carefully brushing away accumulated dirt from the burial shaft inside the rockhewn tomb of Mery, a priest of Amun. The mummy that is on display in the Cairo Museum has clearly had the great toe of the right foot amputated and replaced with a prosthesis manufactured from leather and wood (Fig. 1). An even older example comes from the fifth Egyptian dynasty (2750–2625 BC) discovered by archaeologists, as being the earliest known splint from that period† (Thurston 1114). The ancient Egyptians and other early cultures to use prosthetics did so not only for the physical need for them, but to have a feeling of being whole and complete. Many cultures feared amputation over death because they wouldn’t be whole in the afterlife. So if a person had to have an amputation and had a prosthetic put in place, they would save their old limb and be buried with it so they would have their whole body in the afterlife with them. The first written record of artificial limbs was from around 3500 BC. It was a poem written by Rig-Veda and was about a queen who lost her leg in battle and had an iron prosthesis put in place to where her leg was supposed to be so she could return to battle. The next recorded records of prosthetics that were actually made for rehabilitation came from the ancient Roman and Greek civilizations. â€Å"The books by the Greek historian Herodotus of Halicarnassus, report a prosthetic replacement. Herodotus states that in 484 BC, a Persian soldier escaped imprisonment by cutting off his leg then replacing it with a wooden prosthesis. The report states that he was able to travel 30 miles to Tregea. He was unfortunately captured by Zaccynthius and was promptly decapitated. This has been validated with the finding of a copper and wood leg in Capri, Italy, in 1858, which has been dated to 300 BC (Fig. 2). 5 Lower-limb prostheses of the time were typically made of bronze plates with a wooden core and leather straps† (1114). As seen here, this was the first step to actually have a limb that served a function to help the man walk. The concept of an artificial limb had slightly progressed and become a better tool. The next stage of prostheses came from around 450-1000 A. D. These are the typical peg legs that people think of and are typically thought of as what pirates like â€Å"Captain Hook† had. Peg legs made of again wood, leather or metal were used to help people walk. â€Å"Hook hands† were also made to replace people who lost a hand. â€Å"This style of prosthesis that is basically a modified crutch with a wooden or leather cup persisted into the early part of the twentieth century (Fig. 3). The use of these basic materials persisted until relatively recent times and many examples have survived. † (1114). So for many years people were content with this simple type of prosthetic limb and it wasn’t for about 500 years until it began to progress into something better. The next â€Å"wave† of prosthesis came from Ambroise Pare, a Frenchman born in 1510. He was a surgeon for the French Army and was prominently known for his treatment to gunshot wounds. He also made great progress in artificial limbs. â€Å"His ‘Le Petit Lorrain’, a mechanical hand operated by catches and springs was worn by a French Army captain in battle. He also devised an above-knee prosthesis consisting of a kneeling peg and a prosthetic foot. It had a fixed equinus position, a locking knee and a suspension harness, features that are still in use today† (1117). This hand was the starting point for the advanced prostheses in existence today as well as the leg he developed. It was the first successful leg to have the locking knee, suspension harness and the equinus position and it set the bar for other prosthetics to come. Also Pare was the first to make a prosthesis with joints; â€Å"The leg he designed for amputation through the thigh is the first known to employ articulated joints† (Wilson Jr. 2). The next wave of progression with artificial limbs came from the Civil War, and with anesthetics present, the surgeries were improved tremendously. Also the United States government paid for prosthesis for war veterans so they became more common. There was unfortunately not much advancement in prosthesis during this time period; â€Å"Many patents on artificial limbs were issued between the time of the Civil War and the turn of the century, but few of the designs seem to have had much lasting impact†(6). World War I also didn’t create much advancement in artificial limbs because of low casualties and the depression. After World War II , prosthetic research developed the beginnings of the prostheses in widespread use today† (Spaeth vii), in what was called the Artificial Limb Program. They even further developed artificial limbs by making things such as; â€Å"the patellar-tendon-bearing (PTB) below-knee prosthesis, the quadrilateral socket and accompanying method of alignment, the Henschke-Mauch hydraulic knee unit, a totally new armamentarium for management of upper limb amputees, and the amputee clinic team of concept. Of tremendous significance was the emphasis on early fitting and saving the knee when amputation was necessary due to arteriosclerosis†(6). All of these progressions were very important in changing prosthetics from a simple peg leg to the types of artificial limbs present today. If it weren’t for these, we wouldn’t be nearly as advanced in the field or prosthetics and would be far behind. From here many organizations were made in order to support amputees. Also because the profession of being a prosthetist was only taught by experienced prosthetists and there was no other way of learning available, the University of California started offering classes in around the 1950’s. With classes now available about artificial limbs, this also encouraged a â€Å"take-off† in the field and brought great awareness to the public. From here classes began to expand to universities such as â€Å"New York University and at Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago†(8). After these schools began teaching, many colleges and universities began to follow and the field began to expand. The next milestone for artificial limbs came in 1965 when the Medicare bill passed. This bill gave people over the age of 65 little to no cost to receive an artificial limb. So because of this, the need for prosthetics increased and more and more studies were made on them. This leads us all the way to the prosthetics available today in 2012. The next progression of artificial limbs came from about 1945-1970 with the idea of bionic arms, or artificial limbs controlled by electricity. It would use myoelectric control to power the limbs; â€Å"The concept of a myoelectric prosthesis is simple. The electrical activity naturally generated by contracting muscle in a residual limb is amplified, processed and used to control the low of electricity from a battery to a motor, which operates an artificial limb (Muzumdar 1). It was the Germans who first claimed to be able to accomplish this feat, but it would be extremely difficult to make the limb look and feel normal. Reinhold Reiter was the first one to implement myoelectric control in 1945. His prototype however was not realistic because it was not portable. His prototype was essentially never going to work, but his beginnings of research on myoelectric control started a new wave in artificial limbs. This then sparked a worldwide quest to successfully control myoelectric electricity. Major countries began to compete and try to progress to successfully make a myoelectrically controlled prosthetic. The United States became close to having a successful and efficient one, but logistics problems caused the procedure to be unsuccessful. Then in the turn to the 60’s a Russian scientist named A. Y Kobrinski was able to create a â€Å"self-contained myoelectric control system. This was one of the first stand-alone, battery-powered systems to be used on a number of amputees† (56). Between the 70’s and the 80’s many different types of the â€Å"new† artificial limbs were used on adults as well as children. They were very successful and many people benefited from them. During this period, myoelectric hands were the main myoelectric powered prostheses. Competition sprang between corporations during this time period and they looked to make artificial limbs lighter and more efficient. Then in the 90’s, prosthetics began to be powered by computer technology â€Å"During the 90’s, the myoelectric prosthesis industry began to turn towards computer technology to provide programmable controls systems. These advanced controllers can be adjusted, while on the patient, to give a variety of functions from one or two electrode sites† (57). This computer technology leads all the way to the types of artificial limbs present today. Battery technology has also increased tremendously during the past years, which gives the prosthetics greatly improved battery life. Artificial limbs today are extremely efficient and the batteries last a long time. Also the computer technology available creates greater memory for movement and control, which allows the prosthetics to feel more natural. The artificial limbs today vary greatly depending on the need of the patient. There are cosmetic prosthetic limbs, also called a cosmesis. These are the prosthetics that look exactly like real limbs. â€Å"Advanced plastics and pigments uniquely matched to the patient’s own skin tone allow a modern day cosmesis to take on an amazingly life-like appearance. Even details such as freckles, hair and fingerprints can be included, bringing the cosmesis to the point where it’s nearly indistinguishable from the original missing arm or leg† (Clements 5). There are also the basic artificial limbs which just serve the purpose to walk and aren’t as natural looking. An example of this could be the prosthetics you see the runner in the Olympics wearing. Regardless, the essential components of prosthetics are generally the same. They are composed of the plyon, which is the skeletal frame for the limb and the main support. Today these are generally made of lightweight but strong metals such as carbon fiber components. Next there is the socket, which connects the artificial limb to the stub where the patient’s limb used to be. It is very important the socket is built correctly or it can cause further damage to the patient; â€Å"Because the socket transmits forces from the prosthetic limb to the patient’s body, it must be meticulously fitted to the residual limb to ensure that it doesn’t cause irritation or damage to the skin or underlying tissues† (3). The next and final essential component is the suspension system. This is the part that makes the artificial limb stay connected to the body and not fall off. This is generally done by a suction system, which uses an airtight seal to prevent the limb from falling off when it’s pushed on. Prosthetic limbs today are all unique in their own way. The type of amputation and where the limb is cut off all has a great effect on the type of prosthetic limb needed. A below the knee prosthetic for example is far different from an above the knee. The above the knee prosthetic will need an articulated knee and takes much more technology to make. It also needs to attach to different nerves as well as many other factors. One problem with these high tech limbs however is their price. Prosthetic limbs are extremely expensive, and the more high tech they are, the more expensive they become. There are even some prosthetic limbs today that use microprocessors and can remember your body movements; â€Å"Advanced prosthetic legs can be equipped with a microprocessor (computer chip) and sensors that measure angles and forces while a patient walks. Over time, the microprocessor learns how the patient walks and constantly adapts the stiffness of the knee accordingly† (5). This is an example of the type of limb that would cost a patient tens of thousands of dollars. One of the really cool and amazing prosthetics technology today has brought us to is the targeted muscle reinnervation or TMR. It was developed by Dr. Todd Kuiken and it has to do with controlling artificial limbs with your brain. When a person loses a limb, he created the idea to attach the nerves from that limb to a muscle close by that contributes to moving the â€Å"former limb†. When this is done and the patient goes to try to move the â€Å"used to be limb† it then is able to send electrical currents, which causes Kuiken’s prosthetic limbs to move. This breakthrough he made is fascinating and extraordinary and opens doors to artificial limbs of the future.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Cigarette Advertising

Alcohol and Tobacco Advertising: Pros and Cons Alcohol and Tobacco advertisments are widely known to have more cons than pros. However, the companies behind these products have the consitutional right to show consumers what they have to offer. With issues like underage use and suggestive advertising, more alcohol and tobacco advertisments are being banned from different media. I will discuss these issues in the following research paper including information from different countries and opposite stand points. Since tobacco and alcohol use can lead to disease and death and since you need to be a certain age to consume the products, advertising for alcohol and tobacco have always been frowned apon. If it is not accusations of targeting minors or concealing important health risks, it is whether or not the advertising induces addiction or abuse. In 1989, the US Surgeon General reported that "the collective empirical, experiential and logical evidence makes it more likely than not that avertising and promotional activities do stimulate cigarette consumption." The Surgeon General suggests seven ways how the tobacco companies use advertising to encourage smoking. 1) Encourages children and young adults to expriement tobacco and eventually become addicted. 2) Encourage consumers to increase usage. 3) Reduces consumers want to quit. 4) By encouraging ex-smokers to start again. 5) By discouraging full and open discussion of the hazards of smoking as a result of media dependence on advertising revenues. 6) By silencing the opposition to controls on tobacco as a result of the need of organizations recieveing sponsership from said company. 7) By creating an environment in which tobacco is seen as acceptable and the health warnings are not a concern.1 Concerning alcohol advertisements, The Federal Trade Commission (1985) found "no reliable basis to conclude that alcohol advertising significantly affects consumption, let a... Free Essays on Cigarette Advertising Free Essays on Cigarette Advertising Alcohol and Tobacco Advertising: Pros and Cons Alcohol and Tobacco advertisments are widely known to have more cons than pros. However, the companies behind these products have the consitutional right to show consumers what they have to offer. With issues like underage use and suggestive advertising, more alcohol and tobacco advertisments are being banned from different media. I will discuss these issues in the following research paper including information from different countries and opposite stand points. Since tobacco and alcohol use can lead to disease and death and since you need to be a certain age to consume the products, advertising for alcohol and tobacco have always been frowned apon. If it is not accusations of targeting minors or concealing important health risks, it is whether or not the advertising induces addiction or abuse. In 1989, the US Surgeon General reported that "the collective empirical, experiential and logical evidence makes it more likely than not that avertising and promotional activities do stimulate cigarette consumption." The Surgeon General suggests seven ways how the tobacco companies use advertising to encourage smoking. 1) Encourages children and young adults to expriement tobacco and eventually become addicted. 2) Encourage consumers to increase usage. 3) Reduces consumers want to quit. 4) By encouraging ex-smokers to start again. 5) By discouraging full and open discussion of the hazards of smoking as a result of media dependence on advertising revenues. 6) By silencing the opposition to controls on tobacco as a result of the need of organizations recieveing sponsership from said company. 7) By creating an environment in which tobacco is seen as acceptable and the health warnings are not a concern.1 Concerning alcohol advertisements, The Federal Trade Commission (1985) found "no reliable basis to conclude that alcohol advertising significantly affects consumption, let a...

Monday, October 21, 2019

One Mans Struggle To Stay Alive Essays - John McCain, Free Essays

One Man's Struggle To Stay Alive Essays - John McCain, Free Essays One Man's Struggle To Stay Alive One Mans Struggle to Stay Alive Over the years John Sidney McCain, the white haired Senator from Arizona has survived many things. He has endured three plane crashes, a firestorm at sea, and a North Vietnamese prison camp, to emerge as a major player in the national political scene. The Vietnam War had a significant impact on Senator McCain. McCain spent five and a half years in North Vietnamese prisons, thirty-one months in solitary and was brutally tortured. Yet, almost immediately upon his release in 1973, he began putting Vietnam behind him. This lighthearted man has rarely lost sight of what he has called the shadow of Vietnam (Timberg 12). Due to his continuing contributions to the United States, John McCain has become a true American hero and would make an excellent president for our country. . John McCain grew up in a family rich with Navy heritage. John McCains grandfather was one of the navys greatest commanders and led the strongest aircraft carrier force of the Third Fleet. McCains father who was a submarine commander during World War II was equally distinguished by heroic service in the navy. Both McCains father and grandfather rose to the rank of four-star admiral, making the McCains the first family in American history to achieve that distinction. John McCain III followed in his grandfather and fathers footsteps when he entered the U.S. Navy Academy in 1951. McCain struggled during his four years at the academy, but in June 1954, he graduated with 899 other young men. The Class of 58 had been whittled down by 25 percent. Of the 899 who endured the four years at the U.S. Navel Academy, John McCain was one of them, standing fifth from the bottom. The Navel Academy was very rigid for McCain, but even as a teenager, he showed presidential traits, perseverance being on e of them. This feature is extremely important for John McCain if he wants to be the man to lead our country. John McCain continued to press on and in August 1958, McCain reported to flight school at Pensacola were he would begin his Navy career. Little did McCain know that his quick thinking would be tested not just once, but three times during his flying. One Saturday morning, as McCain was practicing landings, his engine quit and his plane plunged into Corpus Christi Bay. McCain survived with minor injuries but that would be his first of many brushes with death (Norman). The fall of 1965, John McCain had his second encounter with death where again, his quick thinking would save him. He was flying solo to Philadelphia to watch the Army-Navy game when his engine died. At one thousand feet, he ejected, landing on a deserted beach moments before the plane slammed into a clump of trees. McCains perseverance and quick thinking has been tested and both times, he has shown true leadership qualities that every president needs (Norman). Once again, John McCains skills would be tested. On July 29, 1967, he was where he wanted to be, on the flight deck of a Navy Aircraft. Before taking off to bomb Hanoi, McCain was going through his preflight checks, when a stray voltage from his plane blew apart the exterior fuel tank on McCains bomber. Two hundred gallons of highly flammable gas streamed onto the flight deck engulfing everything in its path. McCain still strapped in the cockpit of his plane was surrounded in a gulf of flames. McCain, quickly jumping out of his plane onto the flight deck, escaped just before the burning fuel set fire to his plane. When it was all over, 134 men were dead, missing, or injured. McCain and the other pilots in his squadron lost all hope in fighting the Vietnam War. All hope was restored when another Air Carrier had been losing pilots and where looking for volunteers to fill the ranks. John McCain signed on to the new squadron (Timberg). John McCains new assignment had finally come on October 26, 1967, when he took flight to Vietnam to bomb a power plant in Hanoi. Little did McCain know that Hanoi was now more heavily defended against air attacks than any other city

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Dates: June 9, 1836 - December 17, 1917 Occupation: Physician Known for: first woman to successfully complete the medical qualifying exams in Great Britain; first woman physician in Great Britain; advocate of womens suffrage and womens opportunities in higher education; first woman in England elected as mayor Also known as: Elizabeth Garrett Connections: Sister of Millicent Garrett Fawcett, British suffragist known for her constitutional approach as contrasted to the radicalism of the Pankhursts; also a friend of Emily Davies About Elizabeth Garrett Anderson: Elizabeth Garrett Anderson was one of ten children. Her father was both a comfortable businessman and a political radical. In 1859, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson heard a lecture by Elizabeth Blackwell on Medicine as a Profession for Ladies. After she overcame her fathers opposition and gaining his support, she entered medical training as a surgical nurse. She was the only woman in the class, and was banned from full participation in the operating room. When she came out first in the exams, her fellow students had her banned from lectures. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson then applied to, but was rejected by, many medical schools. She finally was admitted this time, for private study for an apothecary license. She had to fight a few more battles to be allowed to actually take the exam and get a license. The reaction of the Society of Apothecaries was to amend their regulations so no more women could be licensed. Now licensed, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson opened a dispensary in London for women and children in 1866. In 1872 it became the New Hospital for Women and Children, the only teaching hospital in Britain to offer courses for women. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson learned French so that she could apply for a medical degree from the faculty of the Sorbonne, Paris. She was granted that degree in 1870. She became the first woman in Britain to be appointed to a medical post in that same year. Also in 1870, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson and her friend Emily Davies both stood for election to the London School Board, an office newly opened to women. Andersons was the highest vote among all the candidates. She married in 1871. James Skelton Anderson was a merchant, and they had two children. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson weighed in on a medical controversy in the 1870s. She opposed those who argued that higher education resulted in overwork and thus reduced womens reproductive capacity, and that menstruation made women to weak for higher education. Instead, Anderson argued that exercise was good for womens bodies and minds. In 1873, the British Medical Association admitted Anderson, where she was the only woman member for 19 years. In 1874, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson became a lecturer at the London School for Medicine for Women, which was founded by Sophia Jex-Blake. Anderson stayed on as dean of the school from 1883 to 1903. In about 1893, Anderson contributed to the founding of the Johns Hopkins Medical School, with several others including M. Carey Thomas. The women contributed the funds for the medical school on the condition that the school admit women. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson was also active in the womens suffrage movement. In 1866, Anderson and Davies presented petitions signed by more than 1,500 asking that women heads of household be given the vote. She was not as active as her sister, Millicent Garrett Fawcett, though Anderson became a member of the Central Committee of the National Society for Womens Suffrage in 1889. After her husbands death in 1907, she became more active. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson was elected mayor of Aldeburgh in 1908. She gave speeches for suffrage, before the increasing militant activity in the movement led to her withdrawal. Her daughter Louisa also a physician was more active and more militant, spending time in prison in 1912 for her suffrage activities. The New Hospital was renamed the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital in 1918 after her death in 1917. It is now part of the University of London.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

MNC Now and Then Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MNC Now and Then - Essay Example Contemporary MNCs are able to do tackle the challenges with the use of sophisticated technologies, advanced management models, and effective leadership, which will be continued to be put in use even after decades. Many management models and concepts consider human resources as the core elements of success. The resource-based view of the firm also emphasizes human resources as one of the most critical resources of any firm, which would include all employees (Armstrong, 2010). With the advent of virtual team working concept, many practices have been identified and are being implemented to effectively manage virtual teams in many multinational companies across the world (Caligiuri, Lepak & Bonache, 2010). Of these, one of the best practices that is being followed currently and can be continued even in future is the practice of enabling individual members of the virtual team to benefit from the team (Caligiuri et al, 2010; p.119). This practice is based on the principle that employees need to be motivated continuously in order to derive greater performance and productivity from time to time. Employee motivation concept has existed ever since the concept of management began, or, maybe, even before that. The need for motivation is a natural psychological and sociological phenomenon that will continue to exist in future too. Hence, it is important that employers put in all possible efforts to keep their employees motivated in all circumstances. This becomes even more important in virtual teams because of challenges such as lack of personal contact, differences in understanding owing to cultural differences, potential technological glitches, etc. In contemporary MNCs, practices that make virtual team members feel belonged to the organization are adopted in the form of rewards and recognition, team meetings through video conferencing, onshore and offshore learning and working opportunities etc. All these practices

History of Islam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of Islam - Assignment Example The origin of Islam is credited to Mohammad. He experienced an angelic visitation from Archangel Gabriel. The angel handed him the Quran and recited the first verses of Surah XCVI2. The pillars of Islam are: Shaddah, Salat, Zakah, Sawm, and Hajj3. They signify the things Muslims believe in as Commanded by Allah. The five pillars of Islam provide a framework on how Muslims should act. The pillars were summarized in the hadith of angel Gabriel. Shahada is an Islamic creed and a testimony of faith. The Shahada is the most important pillar as it should be known to any Muslim convert. Salat is the daily Muslim prayer. Muslims pray five times a day. Zakat is the pillar that emphasizes on giving to the needy. Sawm is the pillar which emphasizes on fasting on the holy month of Ramadan. In this month Muslims abstain from food, drinks and sexual relations. The fifth pillar is the hajj. Hajj is the pilgrimage journey to Mecca. Performing the hajj is usually a compulsory activity at least once i n a lifetime to people who are physically fit. Salat is the most significant worship. It originated from the Quran, Salat Al-Fajr 24:58, Salat Al-Isha 24:58 and Al-Salat Al-Wusta 2384. Muslims believe praying five times a day can clean all the sins of a person. At the beginning, Salat was performed three times a day. The Quran specifies three positions of performing Salat. These are standing, bowing and prostrating. Salat is the formal procedure of worship to Muslims. It has prescribed procedure, conditions and the time to be practiced. In the holy Quran, Salat is performed while standing bowing and prostrating. During the prayer Muslims are required to wash themselves before praying, an activity known as Wuddu. The main importance of Salat is to act as a person’s communicator to God. During Salat one is able to communicate more intimately with God5. It is also during Salat that Muslims have a form al way of remembering Allah. It is during Salat that Muslims give thanks to Go d for all their possessions and blessings and also pray for other needs. Salat also helps a Muslim to refrain from the social ills and moral deviancy6. Sahih Bukhari collection of hadith says that Mohammed considered salat as the best deed. According to prophet Mohamed, Allah does not listen to the cries of a person while talking but listens to person’s cries while praying. He continued and said that mercy always drops on a person’s head while praying. Salat is usually practiced at dawn, noon, afternoon, evening and night time. Adhan refers to calling of Muslims to prayer. It comprises of words that envelop the fundamentals of faith, worship and Islamic rituals. As affirmed in Bukhari, Muslims went to Madinah at prearranged time for prayer. Umar planned appointing a man to call out for prayer by recite the words of Adhan.7 It is recited from the minaret so that it can be heard from a distance, and melodiously to titivate their voice for it8. Salah is one of the pillars of Islam and prayer is the best form of worship. Every Muslim should endeavor to earn Pleasure of Allah. According to Surah 51:56, â€Å"I have created Jinns and men that they may serve me,† Adhan calls persons to prayer and proper relations. This has an effect on the performance of Salah. Adhan is a procedure in which Muslims are called to mandatory prayer. It is done five times a day to call Muslims to perform the Salat. Adhan is performed by the muezzin. Adhan is also done to

Friday, October 18, 2019

Individual income tax. USA Indiana state laws Research Paper

Individual income tax. USA Indiana state laws - Research Paper Example The taxpayer participates in racecar driving on mini circuit. The car is hers and she is her own mechanic. She lost money during the first two competition years. Taxpayers often receive gifts support the products of racing. The question is whether how the deductions will apply to the swimming pool, the gift, the office, the losses she experienced in racing. It also extends to the treatment that the taxation to the gifts which they receive. Summary of Issues The issue in this scenario is the application of taxation and deductions on incomes according to the Indiana taxation law. It seeks to identify the provision of the taxation law in determining what constitutes taxable income and valid deductions. This is in recognition of the fact that not all assets and incomes are taxable and not all expenses are considered as valid for deduction. The taxation law on income taxes in Indiana recognizes Taxable benefits as any income that is earned from professions or daily business occupation. Th is is an important information in the preparation of income tax returns. The incomes and benefits in this issue include: The salary of the taxpayer Gifts from Racing The issues or the items to be considered for deductions include: Loss of Money in competition Installation of Swimming Pool Repair of the Car Office Space Used For Work Summary of Conclusion Taxable income The salary of the Taxpayer The Federal Tax laws consider all salaries from employment are automatically valid for taxation. The second major form of income is from businesses or other professional occupations that earn regular income. Gifts from Racing The gifts from racing are a form of regular income that the taxpayer has to declare in the return and include in the taxable income. Taxation applies to the gift. The law states that any citizen, who earns money from lottery or gifts, will add them to the taxable income. The racing gift is therefore a taxable income in the Indiana tax return. The US Federal return refer s to them as other income. Deductions Loss of Money in competition According to the Law in Indians, any lost income will be considered as exemption from taxation, if indeed the government investigators have evidences that she lost the money. The investigation proceeds to confirm the status of the losses such that whenever the taxpayer recovers the lost funds, then she will have to include the lost money to the taxable income and pay the full tax. If the amount was a form of assistance or support for any issue, then it will be a legible deduction on the Indiana tax return. In the IT-40 Schedule for the Federal tax return, any form of state tax that is recovered has to be reported in a separate column. There is another column for the deduction recovery for every itemized deduction in IT-40PRN. You may be able to deduct up to $3,000 of the rent paid on your Indiana home. Installation of Swimming Pool The swimming pool was a necessity and the doctor recommended it. This is an added resp onsibility to support the life of the taxpayer. It has to be deducted from the income tax just like the long-term commitments such as insurance and mortgage. Repair of the Car Because the taxpayer repairs his own car, it does not affect the taxation scale. There is no financial implication or economic influence. Office Space Used For Work The use of office for work, the responsibility and the taxation fall on the taxpayer. She will also require to link with the employer and

Organizational Behavior Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organizational Behavior - Case Study Example Ultimately, the case study which will be presented herein revolves around the employment experience of I, the statistics that this employment was able to generate, and the levels of interaction between the following 3 shareholders: my coworkers, Mr. Majed, and I. Shareholder 1: The Author As such, these three shareholders all integrated together under the umbrella of the firm in question; however, the job responsibilities and levels of power that each of these represented was distinct. Due to the fact that I was new to the employment process, the level of decision making abilities and overall power over the management process was necessarily limited. However, regardless of the lack of experience, I was tasked with quality of service improvement and set about categorizing some of the main functional areas in which the firm could develop a competitive improvement with relation to how it understood, appreciated, and dealt with its customers. The ultimate levels of interaction that took place with regards to the other two shareholders were mainly concentric upon seeking to implement and understand the means by which consumer needs could be furthered within this context. Shareholder 2: Fellow Coworkers The secondary group of shareholders was of course the other individuals that were working in the firm at the same time that I was seeking to integrate with them. ... own departments and individualized initiatives, they were on the whole rather uninterested in seeking to maximize profitability with regards to the given task that I had engaged with. Shareholder 3: Mr. Majed Finally, the third shareholder that is represented within the case study is that of Mr. Majed. As such, he represented the rather intractable and stoic representation of the manager that did not appreciate any type of challenge to authority. In this way he was of course the motivating factor in encouraging the situation into a position that resulted in my ultimate removal from the task that my original manager had placed me over. The interaction that took place was necessarily confined to I and Mr. Majed; with the other employees only playing a fleeting role in the situation due to their general lack of interest in the process or in seeking to change the existing dynamics that existed within the firm. Summary of Incidence: After a small study in the main branch, it was found tha t here were 350 to 450 customer’s visitors per day. Just, 250 to 300 of them were provided with the service. As result, the firm was losing between 50 to 150 possible customers each and every day. After a discussion of the observations with management, it was recommended that six employees would be hired to assist me in completing the task. What this affected was a type of interaction between my employees and the salesmen. However, three weeks later, my colleagues had a new boss who was of course Mr. Majed. This only occurred after my original manager had gone on vacation and proved to be a turning point with regards to how the entire situation unfolded. Soon thereafter, the dynamic which has been described imploded as Mr. Majed had no desire for either I or my former employees to do

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Art work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art work - Essay Example From the artwork, I can see a lot of amazing things. First, I see a very large compound composed of a building that looks like a temple. It stands out conspicuously located for everyone to clearly see exactly what it is. From inside, there are other panels and small dragons which surround the Monkey. Also identified is a well-curved sculpture of Buddha. This is quite symbolic because it has a significant role to play in the lives of Chinese Buddhists who regard the Dragon Monkey as a spiritual figure in their religion. Basically, as already hinted, the artwork can be related to the book Money: A Folktale of China in which the author was aiming at providing a detailed story of the mysterious and magical paths of the Dragon Monkey in his pursuit for heavenly powers. As examined by Wu in this book, the Dragon Monkey passed through a very long journey before eventually becoming a spiritual figure in Buddhism. At one point, Wu describes the dragon, ‘This determination it was that led him to leap clear of the toils of Re-incarnation and turned him at last into the Great Monkey Sage, equal of Heaven’ (Page 14-15). This shows that he was a respected religious figure whose powers were legitimately granted and above those of anyone else. From this statement, the Dragon Monkey was indeed a respected and revered deity amongst the Buddhists. The descriptions given in the book relate to the panting. The compound shown in the painting clearly shows how religious these people were. Also, the attachment given to the dragon indicates that it was Buddha himself who would determine how he would control the life of his followers. When he chose to use the Dragon Monkey, everyone had to accept because he was their overall father. In conclusion, the lessons learnt from the Ceiling from the Hall of Great Wisdom (Dazhidian) at the Temple of Wisdom Attained (Zhihuasi), Beijing and Monkey: A Folktale of China proves that art is

What does the bible mean to me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

What does the bible mean to me - Essay Example w the bible differently but I believe it to be a sacred collection of books that Christians use as a reference to God’s command during their worship as well as in their lifestyles. It provides the means of communication with God the creator who Christians believe is supernatural and whom they revere. The bible directs man on the kind of life that he should live. It is God’s way of instructing, encouraging and correcting Christians, as well as making his plan known to them. Moreover, it explains the destiny of man in the life after death, consistent with the life that one lived. The bible connects the reader with God at a deeper level so that the communication is one on one with the help of the Holy Spirit who is described in the bible as Christians’ intercessor before God. In order for the fellowship of man with God to manifest fully, it is essential to have the Holy Spirit’s intervention since the sinful nature of man separates him from God who in His nature is Holy. This is well outlined in the scripture in Isaiah 59:1-12. I consider the bible to be a very vital holy book in the life of a Christian since it gives him/her reference for their lives and enables them to connect to God and this way, they are able to know His will and purpose for their lives. As mentioned earlier, the bible clearly states the kind of life that man should live while on earth and his ultimate fate after death consistent with the life that he chose to live. Everyone should therefore seek to know the bible and obey the commands

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Art work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art work - Essay Example From the artwork, I can see a lot of amazing things. First, I see a very large compound composed of a building that looks like a temple. It stands out conspicuously located for everyone to clearly see exactly what it is. From inside, there are other panels and small dragons which surround the Monkey. Also identified is a well-curved sculpture of Buddha. This is quite symbolic because it has a significant role to play in the lives of Chinese Buddhists who regard the Dragon Monkey as a spiritual figure in their religion. Basically, as already hinted, the artwork can be related to the book Money: A Folktale of China in which the author was aiming at providing a detailed story of the mysterious and magical paths of the Dragon Monkey in his pursuit for heavenly powers. As examined by Wu in this book, the Dragon Monkey passed through a very long journey before eventually becoming a spiritual figure in Buddhism. At one point, Wu describes the dragon, ‘This determination it was that led him to leap clear of the toils of Re-incarnation and turned him at last into the Great Monkey Sage, equal of Heaven’ (Page 14-15). This shows that he was a respected religious figure whose powers were legitimately granted and above those of anyone else. From this statement, the Dragon Monkey was indeed a respected and revered deity amongst the Buddhists. The descriptions given in the book relate to the panting. The compound shown in the painting clearly shows how religious these people were. Also, the attachment given to the dragon indicates that it was Buddha himself who would determine how he would control the life of his followers. When he chose to use the Dragon Monkey, everyone had to accept because he was their overall father. In conclusion, the lessons learnt from the Ceiling from the Hall of Great Wisdom (Dazhidian) at the Temple of Wisdom Attained (Zhihuasi), Beijing and Monkey: A Folktale of China proves that art is

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Histone Deacetylase Sirtuin 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Histone Deacetylase Sirtuin 1 - Essay Example A comparison was then made of the methylated genes at different stages for their commonality and uniqueness in order to find the pattern across the stages of LUAD. Validation and ranking of the patterns for their significance were made using literature evidence. Consequently, the ranked patterns were later analyzed as potential targets of LUAD. Limitations of the study were also identified including lack of laboratory validation of identified targets and availability of information on TCGA. A number of results were obtained through table analysis. After the assessment, it was observed that the highest number of significant DNA methylated genes were found in stage III and the least in stage I. Upon reviewing the table which listed the common significant DNA methylated genes across and between stages it was found that sampled 10 genes it was found that the three most hypermethylated genes were found to be in stage III. The rest of the genes that were hypomethylated were distributed acr oss stage II and I, with the least hypomethylated in stage I. The above hypermethylated and hypomethylated genes were further analyzed with respect to their methylation inside and outside of the CpG islands. â€Å"It was identified that hypermethylated genes in Stages I and III and hypomethylated genes in Stage II were mostly identified in TRUE CpG sites† ( Yang et. al. 37256). When network construction and analysis was done it was found that a greater degree of interaction existed within the significant DNA methylated genes.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Translation Project Essay Example for Free

Translation Project Essay Jean-Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet in their book Stylistique Comparee du Francaiset de l Anglais (1958) which is a comparative stylistic analysis of the different translation strategies and procedures used in French and English view equivalence-oriented translation as a procedure which replicates the same situation as in the original, whilst using completely different wording They also suggest that, if this procedure is applied during the translation process, it can maintain the stylistic impact of the SL text in the TL text. With regard to equivalent expressions between  language pairs, Vinay and Darbelnet claim that they are acceptable as long as they are listed in a bilingual dictionary as full equivalents. They talk about ‘direct’ and ‘oblique’ translation where ‘direct’ refers to literal translation and ‘oblique’ refers to free translation. Furthermore, they have proposed seven procedures, the first three covered by direct translation and the remaining four by oblique translation. Direct translation includes the processes of: 1. Borrowing 2. Calque 3. Literal translation Oblique translation includes the processes of: 1. Transposition 2. Modulation. 3. Equivalence 4. Adaptation The discussion to follow will be focusing on the explanation of these seven processes with reference to the novel by Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice ( Source text) and its Urdu translation by Professor Shahid Hameed as â€Å"Takkabur or Ta’asub† (Target text). 1. Direct Translation 1. 1. Borrowing Jeremy Munday in his book Introducing Translation Studies says that in borrowing â€Å"the SL word is transferred directly to the TL†. It is the idea of taking the word from the source language and maintaining it in the target language. It is considered the simplest of  the procedures and tends to be employed in two situations: either when discussing a new technical process for which no term exists within the target language, or when maintaining a word from the source language for stylistic effect, in which the translator uses the foreign term to add flavor to the target text. The advantage of borrowing strategy is that it brings an original connotation to the word in TL. 1. 2. Calque A calque is when an expression from the source text (ST) is transferred literally into the TT. Calques either follow the syntax of the TL while translating each word literally or ignore the  syntax of the TL and maintain the syntax of the SL, rendering the calque in an awkward syntactical structure in the TT. It has the same influence on the enhancement of cultural integration. However, sometimes this translation strategy will cause difficulties in conveying messages in the TL. 1. 3. Literal translation This is word for word translation. Vinay and Darbelnet describe it as being the most common between the languages of the same family and culture. The idea of translating word for word in a way that does not alter the meaning is considered an acceptable use of literal translation by the two scholars. Vinay and Darbelnet say that literal method is ‘unacceptable’ in these occasions: 1. 3. 1. It gives another meaning 1. 3. 2. It has no meaning 1. 3. 3. It is structurally impossible 2. Oblique Translation 2. 1. Transposition Vinay and Darbelnet referred to transposition as changing word class without changing meaning. This refers to when translators change the word type, such as from nouns to verbs. They considered transposition to be either obligatory or optional, and referred to the ST as the base expression and the TT as the transposed expression. According to Newmark transposition consists of four types of grammatical changes. The first type concerns words form and position, the second type of transposition is usually used when the TL does not have the equal grammatical structure of the SL. Newmark defines the third type as â€Å"the one where literal translation is grammatically possible but may not accord with the natural usage in the TL. † Transposition, here, offers translators a plenty of possible versions. Concerning the fourth type, it occurs when the translator uses a grammatical structure as a way to replace a lexical gap. 2. 2. Modulation The fifth of Vinay and Darbelnets procedures is modulation. Modulation is defined as â€Å"a change in point of view that allows us to express the same phenomenon in a different way. † In other words Modulation refers to rendering the TT from a different point of view to that of the ST. Vinay and Darbelnet consider this procedure to be necessary when the results of the former procedures would produce an awkward- sounding translation, despite it being grammatically, syntactically, and lexically correct. Modulation is a way for the translator to find a degree of naturalness in their TT without sacrificing any meaning or accuracy originating from the ST. The  application of this skill demands very much the translator’s capacity to mastering bilingual languages. 2. 3. Equivalence: It refers to a strategy to describe the same situation by ‘using completely different stylistic or structural methods’ for producing ‘equivalent texts’. Equivalence is not only useful but also necessary in translating idioms and proverbs. 2. 4. Adaptation: It refers to a method ‘used in those cases where the type of situation being referred to by the SL message is unknown in the TL culture’. Rather than operations on linguistic level, this strategy focus on phenomena or practices that are absent in the target  culture.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Frontiers of an Arab Woman :: Culture Cultural Marriage Essays

Frontiers of an Arab Woman â€Å"When you spend a whole day among the trees, waking up with walls as horizons becomes unbearable (Mernissi, 59).† One would assume that in the face of woman’s liberation-access to an equal and higher education, choice of a husband and access to a prosperous/independent future-that a woman would be positioned to escape gender oppression. However, this is not the case for the Arab women of Fatima Mernissi’s Dreams of Trespass and Ahdaf Soueif’s In the Eye of the Sun. The two main characters of these novels-Asya and Mernissi herself-enable the reader to understand how gender inequality is rooted in the frontiers and accepted social norms that are defined by the community and adhered to by the individual. Although these woman have access to an equal education with the hopes of becoming an enlightened, liberated women, education does not guarantee that they will ever become truly liberated. This paper will discuss the differences between the educated and seemingly liberated women of Dreams of Trespass, and In the Eye of the Sun, in hopes to understand whether cultural and educational frontiers are the only characteristics which govern a woman's right to escape the gendered Arab hierarchy. Why do some women, with access to westernization and an equal education still fall victim to the subservient expectations of an unliberated and uneducated female in the Arab world? Why are these women maintaining such domination when they are surrounded by tools of liberation? What are the causes of such oppression? The maintained traditional frontiers that continue to define gender roles in these stories, Islamic traditional values, familial expectations? Using the frontiers that guide the lives of Fatima Mernissi and Asya, we will seek to understand the causes of the differences between the two characters--one woman is liberated, the other, for most of her life, remains oppressed-- when both are from progressive, wealthy and educated families. Although both Fatima and Asya grew up in privileged families, these two women evolve into very different characters--one oppressed the other liberated. Asya and Fatima were surrounded by very different frontiers (see pg 2), which ultimately led to the development of two very different women. Fatima was raised within the rigid confines of a walled city harem, but emerges a strong woman that is left unscathed by her oppressive childhood. As a child she was surrounded by strong feminist role models, who lived in the harem with her, that taught her to maintain dreams of trespass because they eventually would set her free.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Boules :: Greek Secret Society Culture Myths Essays

Boules Sometimes someone will want to look better for having access to certain information and as opposed to using it effectively, to advance the mass of our people, they try to take the info to the enemy and entertain them about what they already know, to show that they know more than other black people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This piece is dedicated to brutha Steve Cokely for his tireless efforts to "seek and find" vital information pertaining to the upliftment of Afrikan people. If it weren't for this God'z tenacity to penetrate the forces of white supremacy with liquid swordz, I can honestly say, we would not know of the New World Order and the history of its members as we do now. He has truly been an inspiration to me. Biggup brutha Cokely!!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As we come into knowledge of self, we must, as well, come into knowledge of who doesn't want us to "know thyself". The average Afrikan who has some knowledge of white supremacy might feel it's been, and only been, the "blue-eyed devil" that is responsible. True, but not truth. If you read the piece I wrote last month, IZ YT Human? or Mutant!, you found that brutha moses (the one who went to the caucus mountains to "civilize" the beast) was one of the first sell-outs of theAfrikan spirit.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As you well know, this country was found by criminal minded beasts, who colonized this area just as they did Afrika in the 1800s. As we had our plantations in the south with house negroes and field Afrikans, we find that this trend has never changed as the years have gone by. Thanks to research done by brutha Cokely, we have found that there is a black secret society that has been closely associated with maintaining the grip of white supremacy on people of color. These same secret societies, these house negroes answer to, have a long history rooted in the physical and mental enslavement of Afrikans around the globe. This black "secret society" is called the Boule' aka. Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Incorporated, founded May 15, 1904. This is the 1st black fraternity in america and was before the 1st black "college" frat, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The origin of the Boule' is what we are going to concentrate on and by the end of this 2-3 part series, you will be able to decide whether they are bruthaz or not.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Concept Analysis of Burnout within the Nursing Profession

The duty of taking care of other people and being responsible for their lives is a heavy burden for anyone to carry; and it can take its toll even among the best of us. In the nursing profession, burnout is a constant threat and is widely implicated for the alarming shortage of nurses that we are experiencing today.According to the Nursing Shortage Fact Sheet (2007) compiled by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), Job burnout and dissatisfaction are driving nurses to leave the profession. Consider these figures compiled by AACN:   more than 40% of nurses working in hospitals reported being dissatisfied with their jobs.   The study indicates that 1 out of every 3 hospital nurses under the age of 30 are planning to leave their current job in the next year.Indeed there is no denying the importance of nurses in the health care system as more and more people are availing of health services and are reaping the benefits of the advances in medical technology. As such, burnout deserves careful study in the hopes that it can be prevented or managed.Literature ReviewAccording to the concept analysis method developed by Walker and Avant (1995), the definition of a concept requires taking into consideration as many contexts as possible.Only then will it be possible to have an intimate understanding of the concept and thoroughly define all its attributes. As such, a comprehensive literature review was conducted using all possible sources of information such as books, journals, and the Internet using related terms such as burnout, stress, career exhaustion, coping mechanism, job support, and lateral violence. In all the reviews made, the term burnout is consistently associated with loss of interest and motivation for work.The burnout is often accompanied by a sense of disillusionment and questioning one’s sense of purpose and direction. On a more general sense, the term refers to the loss of interest for any endeavor and a sense of hopelessness f or life.As a springboard for this concept analysis, an internet search was done on the term burnout. defines burnout as a state of being overworked due to intense activity or prolonged stress.This leads to fatigue, frustration or lack of interest. Wikipedia, a popular online source of information defines burnout as â€Å"a psychological term for the experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest usually in the work context. It is also used as an English slang term to mean exhaustion†.It goes on to say that some workers are more predisposed to burnout, depending on their personality traits (â€Å"Wikipedia article about burnout† 2007).Another website,, a trusted non-profit online resource for various health issues, describes burnout as a condition that â€Å"reduces your productivity and saps your energy, leaving you feeling increasingly hopeless, powerless, cynical, and resentful. The unhappiness burnout causes can eventually t hreaten your job, your relationships, and your health†.The site also made an attempt to make a simple and understandable distinction between stress and burnout. According to the site, stress involves an overwhelming amount of responsibilities that demand too much of you physically and psychologically. However, stress can be controlled with proper time management and often goes away once the task has been accomplished.Burnout, on the other hand means feeling empty and devoid of motivation. People experiencing burnout often don’t see any hope of positive change in their situations unless they leave and lead a different life. (â€Å" article on burnout† 2007) Prolonged exposure to stressors in the workplace can eventually lead to burnout.Maslach (2003) attributes this â€Å"loss of idealism and passion for one’s job† as something that â€Å"results from an incongruence or misfit between the worker and the job.† Maslach further elabo rates by stating that the problematic relationship between the person and the work environment is a consistent theme in all studies made about burnout.This misfit refers to the mismatch between the demands of the job and the capacity of the person to rise up to these demands on a consistent and continuous basis, or if the rewards of the job is not commensurate to the demands being asked of the individual. Balevre made a study that relates maladaptive behavior to the burnout phenomenon.The paper showed that maladaptive thoughts can be changed with proper help, and this changes the nurses’ negative reactions to a given stimulus, thereby decreasing the resulting burnout phenomenon (2001).